Content Creation and General Usage Performance

The Biostar is our second Small Form Factor system that proves you give up little or nothing by choosing an SFF computer system. Our benchmarks here compare the iDEQ 200T to the fastest 865 and 875 motherboards that we have tested. Despite that and despite the fact that all the other systems use PAT, the elegant little Biostar is completely competitive with the best 865/875 motherboards we have tested.

In virtually every benchmark, the Biostar performs even better than the Shuttle we recently tested. From the new high scores for Multimedia Content Creation Winstone 2003 and Mpeg-4 Encoding to the excellent across-the-board gaming performance, the Biostar keeps up with or surpasses the best we have tested. This is quite an accomplishment for a system about the size of a toaster.

High End Workstation Performance - SPECviewperf 7.0 Biostar iDEQ 200T: Noise Level
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  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - link

    50-60dBA is conversation level volume. Of course, its white noise and relatively low frequency. I have serious doubts that your tower is 30dBA (except for the advertisement that says it is). about 35 dba is on the threshold of a whisper. Unless you live in a soundlab your ambient noise level should be around 30dba.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - link

    Yeah, #1 (uh.. and #2, doublepostage?) is right. 60dB is fscking loud, as anyone who's owned a Black Label can attest. My tower used to put out ~40 decibels of noise, and it was a touch loud (didn't bother me much though). "So?" you say? 50 decibels is 10 times 40 decibels. The wonders of non-linear scales.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - link

    Am I missing something here? How can 50-60 dBA be considered quiet? That's freight train level noise for a PC, especially with the quieter towers coming in at about 30 dBA.

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