Gameplay Analysis: Gears Tactics

Although already released on PC (and even part of Ian’s CPU benchmarking suite) Gears Tactics will be available on Console on November 10th, making this a console launch title for the Series X|S. Although it will also be available on Xbox One, the title has been enhanced and improved visually, much as Gears 5 was, with higher framerates and likely better textures as well.

One of the first noticeable differences between the Xbox One X and Xbox Series X versions of the game is the options page. The Xbox One X allows you to choose a Performance or Quality mode, trading off visual fidelity for framerate, but the Xbox Series X asks you to make no such sacrifice. In fact, it does allow you to set the framerate on the cutscenes to 30 FPS, matching the Xbox One X, if you prefer the more “cinematic” choice, or 60 FPS.

Gears 5 Cutscenes

Gears Tactics includes cutscenes that are not rendered on the fly though, so these ones are visually identical on both consoles, and both run at 30 FPS.

The rendered cutscenes do swing up to the 60 FPS mark on the Xbox Series X, as expected. Unlike Gears 5 though, there does not seem to be any texture differences between the two consoles in the cutscenes.

Gears Tactics Gameplay

On the Xbox Series X, players are treated to a 60 FPS version of the game rendered in 4K, unlike the Xbox One X which is limited to 30 FPS. The framerate was very smooth on the Series X.

As a new title for launch day, fans of the Gears franchise will finally get a chance to try this strategy version of the game, and without a doubt, the experience is definitely enhanced on the new console, with higher framerates across the board.

Gameplay Analysis: Gears 5 Gameplay Analysis: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
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  • marees - Saturday, November 7, 2020 - link

    I would need 3 things to buy this console:

    1. Releasing Flight Simulator for console
    2. Allowing to install xcloud app on console
    3. A more universal release of All Access plans (for all countries)

    Basically I would like to play the Flight Simulator without having to install it (or a huge download)
  • cmdrdredd - Monday, November 9, 2020 - link

    Sony is doing a pretty terrible job with the PS5 so I don't know where you get that idea from. They botched the pre-order launch, hid a lot of details about backwards compatibility, don't support VRR at launch, and have a weaker system overall. It'll sell out because of the popularity of the brand alone but the Series X is the top console this time around.
  • FunBunny2 - Thursday, November 5, 2020 - link

    sure looks like a Mac Trashcan. I expect MS hopes this thing works out better.
  • vailr - Friday, November 6, 2020 - link

    How difficult will it be to install an alternative operating system on the X-Box Series X? It seems to be compatible with running either macOS or Windows, if the bios firmware can be altered sufficiently to allow booting into another O.S.. Interesting to see what happens.
  • tkSteveFOX - Friday, November 6, 2020 - link

    I really don't see the point of having an 8/16 CPU in the S. Why didn't they cut it to 6/12 to save some space/thermals?
    That GPU in there is totally a bottleneck for the CPU.
    I'm sure fans would have wanted a slightly better GPU in favour of the 8 core CPU with 16 threads.
    I just find it illogical as a choice.
  • Brett Howse - Friday, November 6, 2020 - link

    If they drop that too far, games that have the same visual elements (think a busy city street with a lot of NPCs) might not be possible on the Series S which would mean that the developer would just target the lowest common denominator. It makes a lot of sense why they have kept the CPU similar.
  • jabber - Friday, November 6, 2020 - link

    Also might be some 'currently locked' potential they can free up at a later date as a bonus.
  • eastcoast_pete - Friday, November 6, 2020 - link

    Also, I would be amazed if MS doesn't use the Series S to "reduce, reuse, recycle" the APUs that didn't make the cut for the Series X, but work okay at lower speed. There are several "bins" before the one labeled "garbage".
  • eastcoast_pete - Friday, November 6, 2020 - link

    Looking again at the specs, that "recycle" might also apply to the GDDR6 in the series S. That memory bandwidth really gimps the S; I think that was a mistake, with a slightly wider bus and even half the bandwidth of the Series X, it could have been a contender (yes, that old Rocky quote).
  • FunBunny2 - Saturday, November 7, 2020 - link

    "yes, that old Rocky quote"


    "I coulda' had class. I coulda' been a contender. I coulda' been somebody. Instead of a bum, which is what I am."
    -- Terry Malloy/Marlon Brando 'On The Waterfront' 1954

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