Windows/Boot Camp Experience

Thunderbolt is designed to be transparent to the OS. The Thunderbolt controller IC on each end of the chain muxes/demuxes PCIe and DisplayPort automatically, presenting the OS with just PCIe and/or DisplayPort signals depending on the hardware configuration. Intel had a slide from IDF that may explain it a bit more clearly:

Although everything in yellow is between Thunderbolt controllers, the OS just sees a bunch of PCIe switches and devices and uses native drivers for all of them. As a result, Boot Camp works just fine with the Thunderbolt Display. If you have Apple's Boot Camp drivers installed all of the new hardware inside the Thunderbolt Display should be automatically detected (it was in my case). The major exception is the Promise Pegasus which still lacks Windows driver support, something we pointed out in our original review.

Multi-monitor with the Thunderbolt Display Trouble in Promise-land
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  • Omid.M - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    Anand to smile at the camera and point to the lower right of the screen at a QR code that launches a mail client with a URL to the share with others. Oops, thinking outloud.


    You get my email a while back, Anand? I know you've been slammed with your schedule!
  • nameless_1 - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    You could have this ten years ago without plugging any cables at all, not even two. Just buy a docking station for your laptop. Or is the news that it is finally possible on a Mac...
  • ufon68 - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    Awesome video.
  • Death666Angel - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    "Thanks to SSDs, Turbo Boost and Thunderbolt the only thing holding notebooks back from being true desktop replacements is GPU performance."
    And the fact that performance per buck is still about 3 to 5 times worse than any desktop PC. Unless you are very well off or need a notebook for your work, chances are, you can't afford a real desktop replacement notebook.
  • tommyj - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    A typical i5 laptop, which is like $600 (Thinkpad Edge), basically does what a typical desktop does extremely well and comes with a keyboard, pointing device, and screen if you are really destitute. As Anand said, the only thing holding them back is the GPU and frankly a lot of people cannot really use one properly (if you don't play games and don't dabble with professional applications, its going to sit idle). Spend another $100-250 and you can throw a very nice SSD to make it feel really snappy.

    If you want to bring up Apple, the base Macbook Air is like $1000 and its powerful enough for every task people need to do. For most users, even those who use their machines for prosumer purposes, processor speed becomes less of a necessity but a luxury really.

    Increasingly, people are finding desktops less and less worthwhile. The only reason I still own, and upgrade, mine is because it can hold the latest and greatest GPU.
  • bigpics - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    As someone else pointed out to me, notebook performance, especially light-weight notebook performance is changing on more important variables more quickly than monitor tech.

    So this monitor suggests a new cost effective strategy for a one-machine-to-do-it-all setup. This should work out well as long as you don't need the latest, latest performance bumps in the MBP line while on the road (or the top iMac performance at home).

    The strategy is to buy the best MB Air + this monitor, and then replace the CPU piece every year or two - when the available air performance will stay equivalent to the performance of a one or two year old pro. (And note that while some performance is incrementally sacrificed, portability is incrementally increased - AND you get this gorgeous screen - which might meet some users' needs better in the first place.)

    Here's a current high-end MBP 15":

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    8GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x4GB
    256GB Solid State Drive
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Hi-Res Glossy Widescreen Display

    And here's a current high-end MBA 13.3" INCLUDING the Thunderbolt monitor:

    Apple Thunderbolt Display (27-inch) ($999)
    MBA 13.3" ($1778)
    1.8GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    256GB flash storage
    External Apple MacBook Air SuperDrive

    Of course some of you might need and be able to get both the MBP and the monitor - lucky you, but let's say you have SOME real world budget constraints, and over the next six years, you replace the MBA twice (at 2 and 4 years in) as it advances, and the MBP once (3 years in).

    Assuming constant prices - not entirely unreasonable with Apple speculation - and a 6 year usable lifetime for the monitor (even though it will certainly be upgraded with, say, USB 3 and more - but the same cost to replace in either strategy), here's your total bill (exclusive of other peripherals, cables, etc.):

    1. You have this monitor and a three year old MBP 15":

    $6997 spent.
    (Add the cost of iPads if the MBP is just too much for some outings and you need something lighter)

    2. You have this monitor and two year old MBA (of whatever "):

    $6333 spent.

    So a reasonable approach I would say (and even wonder if Apple's not encouraging it in some ways). Consider one last comparison - your best stay at home (no notebook capabiity) iMac options. And we'll specify that some of you will want more net and more capable apps on the road than you can get on your phone, so you'll meet your away from home needs with three baseline iPads over the 6 years

    3. So here's for two top of the line iMacs and possible iPads:

    $6798 spent on iMacs
    $1497 on iPads
    $ 8295 spent

    One more cost saving (over a height adjustable desk) possiblity: a. Old phone books (free) and b) height adjustable chairs (a few hundred more at most).
  • sreams - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    When you close the Macbook Air, you aren't "sleeping" it. You're just closing it.
  • dsumanik - Sunday, September 25, 2011 - link

    nice production sound, and dialogue on the video..well done.

    Some problems though unfortunately:

    "Personally, I use a height adjustable desk as I find it helps me avoid any carpal tunnel pain. Combined with a height adjustable chair, the lack of height adjustment on the display doesn't bother me."

    Uh huh.

    I should buy this display and get an adjustable desk.

    Thats the OBVIOUS solution.

    Not only a facepalm by apple's designers...(i mean how hard would it be to make it adjustable a few inches?) but also a total facepalm in the pro apple bias department.

    This review was a commercial for apple, plain and simple.

    Why not start accepting payment from apple?

    You might as well if you gonna be a part of thier marketing team.

    Your own words:

    "a must have item for macbook owners"


    ill save people the 15 minute advertisement;


    single cable to connect and charge
    nice material and design


    -no sound
    -no usb 3
    -incompatible with anything but 2011 macbooks
    -1000 dollars (i could buy 5 1920x1080 displays for same price)
    -you need to buy an adjustable desk and chair

    Amazing what you can sell people if it comes in a nice shiny package...even a seasoned, unpaid, objective and intelligent reviewer fell for it hook line and sinker.

    hey apple if you reading this...

    Where my integrated iphone dock?
  • Constructor - Sunday, September 25, 2011 - link

    Uh huh.

    I should buy this display and get an adjustable desk.

    Thats the OBVIOUS solution.

    He simply said that he had that anyway, so the lack of height adjustability didn't bother him.

    And I shudder to think how heavy and still wobbly a height-adjustable stand would have to be for my 27" iMac. The TBD is not quite as heavy, but I rather live with an additional socket to get it to the desired height for me than dealing with the usual wobbly mechanism I know from other monitors (such as the secondary Samsung next to the iMac, which also needs an additional stand to get it high enough). I'm rather tall and most adjustable stands end too low anyway, so there would be no benefit for me anyway.

    Not only a facepalm by apple's designers...(i mean how hard would it be to make it adjustable a few inches?)

    Quite hard to make it really sufficient. Just "a few inches" are worthless. Inclination adjustment is enough for that. And making an iMac 27" or a TBD adjustable by the amount I really needed would make the stand very wobbly and/or very heavy and very wide.

    This is a lot more difficult than you seem to get.

    Your own words:

    "a must have item for macbook owners"


    "Pfft" indeed. You completely misrepresent what Anand actually said: "For MacBook Air owners who don't have options for these high speed interfaces to begin with, the Thunderbolt Display is a must-have."

    Further: For me the Thunderbolt Display is good but not perfect. I wish it had a 1/8" stereo output, an SD card reader and USB 3.0 support. Give me those things and I'd be ecstatic. There's always next year's model.

    It seems you are the one who's suffering from a heavily distorted perception here.

    ill save people the 15 minute advertisement;


    single cable to connect and charge
    nice material and design

    - very high resolution (2560*1440) high-grade IPS display
    - multiple expansion ports, including Gigabit Ethernet and FireWire 800
    - built-in speakers, microphone and HD webcam


    -no sound

    Wrong. It's got built-in speakers (and a microphone). It only has no additional audio output socket (every MacBook has one already built in).

    -no usb 3
    -incompatible with anything but 2011 macbooks

    Also wrong. All recent iMacs and Mac minis plus all further upcoming Macs plus many upcoming PCs will also be able to use it.

    -1000 dollars (i could buy 5 1920x1080 displays for same price)

    Sure. The problem is that they are low-grade TN displays with a much lower resolution with not much more than half the number of pixels of the TBD, which also has a much higher-grade IPS panel.

    I've got one of those lower-grade TN panels as a secondary monitor next to my iMac 27", and the difference both in resolution and in contrast range is substantial. The Apple display is definitely worth its price, even and especially in direct comparison, which I have.

    I'm tempted to replace that secondary display with another Apple 27" display.

    -you need to buy an adjustable desk and chair

    Nonsense. I've just propped it up on a socket on the table. And most shorter people won't even need that.

    Amazing what you can sell people if it comes in a nice shiny package...even a seasoned, unpaid, objective and intelligent reviewer fell for it hook line and sinker.

    It seems you've had trouble understanding both the product and the review yourself.

    If you have no use for a product on that level, that is perfectly all right. But other people do have an interest in new technology, and reviews like Anand's, which went very much into the depths of the new base technology, are among the reasons why technology journalism has an important role to begin with.

    Apple just happens to be the one pushing this new technology. If you want to complain about something, complain about PC manufacturers sitting on their hands while Apple is running away with new technology and an increasing share of the market profits earned.
  • Constructor - Sunday, September 25, 2011 - link

    Quoting seems to be broken. There have been paragraphs (double newlines) between the quotes and the comment. Weird.

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