Conclusion: Solid Midrange, Solid Beginner

If you'll let me beat this dead horse one last time, I'm keen to point out what the Antec Eleven Hundred isn't: a cheaper P280. Just because it shares the same internal framework, that doesn't mean it's the same case. That was the mistake I made when I began the review before testing proved me wrong. What I wanted was something similar to the P280 to use as a comparison point to the 550D, and what I got was something entirely different.

So now that we've established what the Eleven Hundred isn't, we can talk about what it is: a very compelling midrange option for users who prioritize thermal performance over acoustics. The Eleven Hundred has virtually no allowances made for keeping quiet; it's all about moving cool air over hot components, and at that it does very well. With so few data points currently available it's tough to gauge just how strong a performer it is compared to the rest of the market, but speculatively I think it's going to continue putting in a strong showing as we add more results to the new testbed.

Even without those results in hand, it's clear the Eleven Hundred has thermal headroom well beyond what we tested it at. Remember that this is with the stock fan configuration; there's still plenty of room for the more enterprising user to expand and improve the Eleven Hundred's cooling potential. That's what makes it easy to recommend on the performance front: we've seen it perform well with enthusiast-grade thermals and we know it has room to grow.

At the same time, assembly is very easy, making the Eleven Hundred an excellent option for neophytes and veterans alike. If you've never built a computer before, this case is a good one to start building and playing in. If you've built ten or a hundred computers, you'll appreciate how easy it is to work inside the Eleven Hundred. And in either instance and all points in between, you're getting a case that keeps components cool. In a more basic, stock build as opposed to an enthusiast-geared one, you're also getting a case that's able to run fairly quietly due almost entirely to the solid thermal performance.

I'm hesitant to sing the Eleven Hundred's praises from the rooftops yet, but as it stands, Antec has produced another quality case that I would happily recommend to users who are less concerned with quiet than they are with flexibility.

Noise and Thermal Testing, Overclocked
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  • Sabresiberian - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    Uh, if you don't get why the side vents are there, YOU are the one that's stupid, not Antec.
  • Iketh - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    no no no... if you are still using side vents, YOU are stupid
  • JarredWalton - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    Yay for intelligent arguments!

    The reason some people like side vents is that if you have two GPUs, especially on a motherboard where they're only two slots apart (e.g. a "GPU sandwich"), putting a couple fans right above the GPUs can be very helpful for temperatures. From a noise and dust standpoint, though, it's not a good thing and aesthetically some will dislike panels as well.
  • Sabresiberian - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    It''s you, the case isn't ugly at all to me.

    Some people think their concept of beauty in a case should rule over every case a company makes, but, hey, there's a reason that Antec makes so many different types of cases (as well as other manufacturers).

  • dtolios - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    What's the point of getting a large or mid-expensive range case to combo with mATX again? I don't understand why "enthusiast" oriented cases should be tested using an mATX mobo the first place....ofc it can do mATX and one GPU...big deal...can it do 2x large GPUs and full ATX good enough is always a WAY more valid question - both for an organizational and thermal performance standpoint.

    Guess it is just me...
  • ClockHound - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    Would it be too much to ask for proof reading before publishing?
    "If you'll let me beat this dead horse one last time, I'm keen to point out what the Antec Eleven Hundred is that the Antec P280 isn't: a cheaper P280."

    I'm keen to understand what you meant. Does this mean that the P280 isn't a cheap P280 or did you mean that the Eleven Hundred isn't a cheap P280? And how did the Three Hundred get into the review text? It's in the text of the overclock page.

    I do agree the delta is the better number to display....but it does beg the question with this new test system, why you can't test in a temperature-controlled environment? Why not test with different ambient temps, like room temperature and a 'hot' room temperature?

    Thanks for the review.
  • JarredWalton - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    Reviews do get proofed most of the time (by me for Dustin's reviews), but I try to take a hands off approach and I thought initially he was trying to say something else. I've fixed that. Anyway, while you're happily flogging us for minor typos, you might want to research what it means to "beg the question". ;-)

    As for the temperature controlled testing environment, it would be awesome to have such equipment, but we don't. Environmentally regulated test environments don't come cheap, and they also pose a different problem: 70F ambient without a lot of airflow from the AC isn't the same as 70F with an AC moving quite a bit of air. The difference may not be that large, but I'd bet it would be measurable.
  • Sabresiberian - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    I get trying to keep the quality of Anandtech high, and I think that pointing out errors in communication is appropriate, but you would make a better point by making a post that is free of spelling, grammar and usage errors itself.

  • kevith - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    Why don't you ever bother to experiment a bit with different numbers and placement of fans? In this case, it would have been VERY interesting to know, what impact that fan behind the motherboard has on temps. AND noise, since it's tugged away far from the user. And there's a lot of other empty fan placements, that, filled up with fans might change the performance and accoustics. But I guess I'l have to buy the case to find out. (And what's the purpose of reading reviews then...?)

    You'l probably say, that writing a review takes a lot of time, even without digging deeper into fans, their numbers and placement. But why use all that time, and then in the end the review is only half? Who wants to do or read something, that's ALMOST great? The vast majority of people, that would consider buying this case - and other hi-end cases - will definitely want to experiment.

    Aand then you spend a lot of time comparing the P280 and the 1100. Except for readings...!? Why don't you show the figures of the P280 in the graphs?

    And I don't think you understood Stahn Aileron's question: We all know, why you changed to showing Delta over ambient, but please let us know what the ambient is, so we know how hot the thing is.
  • PhoenixEnigma - Monday, April 9, 2012 - link

    If you read the review, it's noted that the ambient temperature was about 23C for these tests. The 550D was apparently tested in a room about a degree cooler.

    Of course, it would make more sense for the reader to use their own ambient temperature - that's the advantege to having the delta and not the final number, it's easier to adjust for your conditions.

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