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  • close - Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - link

    Ah, the famed V4G fab, hot on the heels of the C0X and D1X ones.
  • IGTrading - Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - link

    I'm amazed they will invest in anything but Israel ... but hey, way to go Ireland!

    Competition is always good! Thank you #AMD !
  • Samus - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Ireland has an equally well-educated population and some insane corporate tax incentives. Just ask Apple.
  • crotach - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Vag, cocks and dicks? Someone is trolling heavily at Intel :)
  • Duncan Macdonald - Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - link

    Israel is still a target for many muslim groups in the middle east. Intel probably does not want all its eggs in one basket. (How much of that $8 billion Fab would be working after an airliner crashed into it? ) The loss of a Fab would be a severe financial hit to Intel but would be survivable - the loss of the equivalent of 4 or more Fabs might not be so easy to survive
  • wumpus - Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - link

    Not to mention the little issue of just how thirsty for water a fab can be. So of course Intel has fas here as well as Arizona and New Mexico (or more likely, those areas were willing to give Intel whatever subsidies it took to have those fabs in their town).

    It should be noted that "core", the architecture that brought Intel back from the disaster of Netbust (and outcompeted an aging athlon design) was designed in Israel. While later updates came from Oregon, they needed that initial push. So I'm sure they don't regret having a "presence" in Israel.
  • Calin - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    While the development team for Core was based in Israel, the Core architecture was an evolved version of the Pentium Pro not a completely new design.
  • Topweasel - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Not really they developed the Pentium-M which became the Core and Core duo (which was just a tweaked version of the Pentium-M and two Pentium-M's on one chip respectively) which was just tweaked version of the PIII. They did make changes for Conroe and those carried over to the first first gen Core i series (Nahelem) where they added IMC (and almost nothing else). But what we know of as the Core architecture now started with Sandybridge and was a major shift away from Nahelem. That was developed by the primary Intel development team.
  • Oxford Guy - Monday, February 18, 2019 - link

    It's unfortunate that our global economy is so mismanaged. It should be illegal everywhere for any community to subsidize any corporation.

    They're supposed to be making profit by benefitting us. We shouldn't have to pay bribe money for their pleasure.
  • taisingera - Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - link

    Ireland is also a target for many muslim groups from the middle east. Ireland's government is bringing in many middle eastern migrants. (Ireland 2040 Plan)
  • Reflex - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Very smart strategy by Ireland. Some of the best engineers and doctors in the world come from the Middle East. With Syria devestating itself into the stone age, smart countries like Ireland and Portugal are inviting them in to reinvigorate their own economies.
  • Spunjji - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Oh no, you punctured the racism with logic! I was looking forwards to an explanation as to why Islamic extremists would specifically target a nation that's bringing in middle-Eastern migrants as opposed to, say, any of the numerous nations that pose an existential threat to them.
  • Vitor - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Not really. From all middle-eastern countries (excluding Israel), I would say that Iran is the only one with strong STEM tradition. I've never heard anyone considering saudi or lebanese engineering anything especial. Well, I remember a guy from Iraq being quite famous for his use of chemistry. =P

    You may say Pakistan too, but in this case it would be a matter of having a very big population. The average pak is an inbred of first cousins marriage, and that's a fact you can google, I wish it was some racist stereotype. India has a very strong STEM tradition, but that's already out of the ME.
  • Reflex - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    I'm not sure where you work but I work in one of the big five tech companies, and used to work in another. Some of our absolute best engineers are from Iraq, Syria and Lebanon with a significant Palestinian contingent as well. Smart companies are aggressive recruiting there, the lack of career opportunities is an advantage for corporations and governments looking to grow their economies.

    If your company or country is not looking at this highly educated and skilled population please keep it up, it keeps our hiring pipeline full.
  • Samus - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Syria, Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have very well educated people...unfortunately women are often steered away from higher education.
  • Oxford Guy - Monday, February 18, 2019 - link

    They're not particularly with it when it comes to gay people, either.
  • Samus - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Historically, countries eventually net-benefit from refugee migration. Has been well documented for centuries.
  • Reflex - Friday, February 15, 2019 - link

    Yuuuup....much of the US tech and biotech industries were built on refugees from Europe and Asia post WW2. I always find the comments about Intel's fab locations interesting, its like nobody knows how and by who Intel was founded.
  • Oxford Guy - Monday, February 18, 2019 - link

    A large reason why "Mama Merkel" opened her heart is because cheap labor also makes rich people richer. Is it an accident that the Democratic party has more rich people in Congress, while simultaneously claiming to be the party of the exploited worker? There's a reason why NBC, the DNC's biggest mouthpiece, is going after Warren for her native American careerism, a very minor offense in the current world of American politics — particularly when compared the benefits from with her pushback against financial corruption. The DNC wants a nice Wall Street bankster and people like Sanders and Warren to be carrots on sticks. That's not to say the GOP is any better. It obviously isn't. It simply has a somewhat different bag of tricks.

    There is always more "empty land" to "settle" and more "development" to be had. Meanwhile, humanity is racing itself toward extinction. Rah rah rah. Profits profits profits. Scientists project that all insect life will be wiped out by the end of this century. I hope everyone feels patriotic when a woman screeches about bombs bursting in air as we stand with our flag planted atop an endless landfill. Get your stock options and 401K plans today!
  • Oxford Guy - Monday, February 18, 2019 - link

    Presently, there is the problem of overpopulation coupled with excessive per capita consumption. Both are growing.

    Ecological resources, however, are not.
  • Eric Klien - Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - link

    "problem of overpopulation coupled with excessive per capita consumption" Poverty is dropping worldwide every year so there is no overpopulation problem. Likewise theories such as Peak Oil have proven to be false.
  • K_Space - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    thought I'd assume such losses would be covered by insurance?!
  • Ashinjuka - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    So, retail Intel 7nm by 2025, then.
  • Duncan Macdonald - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    Most insurance contracts do not cover for acts of war or terrorism. Ones that do (especially in the Middle East) tend to be EXPENSIVE.
    Add to that the fact that even with insurance - if there was a gaping hole in Intel's CPU production then AMD would have a far rosier financial future. (The cost to Intel of having "No one got fired for buying AMD" would be extreme.)
  • Smell This - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    ANNNNND, yet another 'weakly' Chipzilla press release. Let's go to the scorecard ...

    "billions and billions of dollars!" -- Check!
    "strongly hints installing EUV lithography equipment" --- Check!
    "more quickly respond to demand increases" -- Check!
    "newer, more advanced production tools" -- Check!
    "needs approval from locals before money" -- Check!
    ________________ (insert your own) -- Check!

    Of course, there is the obligatory inclusion of "potential for out-sourcing to third-party foundry services," the ubiquitous "plans are subject to change," and the typical stock, shiny wafer image.

  • Mr Perfect - Thursday, February 14, 2019 - link

    It might be worth noting that Leixlip is in the Republic of Ireland, not northern Ireland that's still in the UK. At first I thought this was referring to northern Ireland and was wondering why Intel would sink $8 Billion dollars into an area that's in doubt over Brexit.
  • quantumsheep - Friday, February 15, 2019 - link

    The future of norn iron being a member of the UK is not in question. What is in question is the good Friday agreement (GFA) which brought an end to The Troubles and the horrendous levels of violence experienced by both sides. This is due to the doubt about the nature of the border between the two nations (NI and EIRE) following Brexit.

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